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I was born and raised just outside of Decatur, Illinois but my path into professional wrestling started in a small southern Illinois town called Noble, I began my training there when I was 14 years old. In an old church I became a student of a business I've loved for as long as I can remember.


At the beginning of my journey, I weighed 240 pounds, but I knew the key to success was improving my eating habits, changing my lifestyle, and becoming healthier. This was challenging for me since, at such a young age, I had never been asked to alter any of my routines or do anything that wasn't typical for children my age.


After just 5 months, I shed 40 pounds and dramatically changed my body. I completed my professional wrestling training at the age of 16, and I then began traveling for bookings on my own. I had now evolved into the person I had always believed lay dormant within me. The Prodigy.


I've now given performances all around Central Illinois, sharing the stage with several amazing independent wrestling performers. These artists have helped me develop and keep telling The Prodigy's story.


As my profession I have chosen continues to give me new challenges, I wanted to do something that would motivate others to pursue their dreams despite the barriers that might stand in their way. The Prodigy Brand was developed for anyone who had been told they couldn't pursue a passion. The inspiration for this company came from a dream I was told I would never realize. It is my intention to use The Prodigy Brand to assist others in creating whatever they require to get through their own challenges.


This brand was made for the dream chasers, and risk takers. Created by dreams, continued through passion.

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